Phosphor Icons meets Nuxt

Release Notes


:-P An easier way of using @phosphor-icons/vue in your Nuxt project!


Run the following command to install and add the module to your project:

$ pnpm dlx nuxi@latest module add nuxt-phosphor-icons


Aside: I know I'm being preferential in my choice of package managers

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰, you can now browse @phosphor-icons/vue for icons to use in your project!


You can configure the module using the phosphor key in the nuxt.config.ts



  1. Default: false
  2. Description: Enable to register components globally.
  3. Type: Boolean
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  phosphor: {
    expose: true,



  1. Default: phosphor-icon or PhosphorIcon
  2. Description: The prefix of the component names.
  3. Type: String
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  phosphor: {
    prefix: "your-prefix", // or YourPrefix


Note: if you have a multi word prefix, you should include a โ€” between the words.


  1. Default: true
  2. Description: Enable to generate a virtual file with the list of registered components at
  3. Type: Boolean
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  phosphor: {
    showList: true,