Phosphor Icons meets Nuxt

Release Notes


If you are reading this, I want to take a moment to thank you for trying out this module ๐Ÿ˜…


Follow the following steps to start using this module:

  1. Add the nuxt-phosphor-icons module to your project as a devDependency
    $ pnpm add -D nuxt-phosphor-icons
  2. Add the module to the modules section of the nuxt.config.ts
    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      devtools: { enabled: true },
      modules: ["nuxt-phosphor-icons"],
      phosphor: {}, // Override module options,

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰, you can now use any icon from @phosphor-icon/vue in your Nuxt project!

Browse the available of icons here.

Before hurrying on now, lets go through some possible configuration you might want to do!


You can configure the module using the phosphor key in the nuxt.config.ts



  1. Default: false
  2. Description: Enable to register components globally.
  3. Type: Boolean
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  phosphor: {
    expose: true,


  1. Default: phosphor-icon or PhosphorIcon
  2. Description: The prefix of the component names.
  3. Type: String
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  phosphor: {
    prefix: "your-prefix", // or YourPrefix

Note: if you have a multi word prefix, you should include a โ€” between the words.


  1. Default: true
  2. Description: Enable to generate a virtual file with the list of registered components at
  3. Type: Boolean